About me...

I am by profession an archaeologist and currently work throughout beautiful Western Canada. The fringe

benefits of the job includes working outside in all sorts of weather, in all kinds of settings, digging some holes,

and finding old stuff.  Rarely does the public hear about what we find, and I think it’s essential that the story

behind these sites and collections be known.

Often scientific illustrations can accompany artifact descriptions that appear in reports, but I think colour
needs to be added to the grey literature.  I like to imagine the events that surrounding the activities and resulted
in these artifacts being left behind. It's key to stoking imagination and appreciation of our shared history. My
illustrations have appeared in reports, media releases, posters, advertising, and museum displays.

The impact of holding an artifact in your hand is also not to be underestimated.  While that opportunity is not
always available, the chance to see or hold a replica of the original may also be a way to share that appreciation of
the past.  My replica casts have been used in public displays, presentations, and educational programs.

Of course, between digging the square holes, I find inspiration for other fictionalizations.  I have served as principal
and contributing illustrator in both print and digital forums, for publication and private use. I’m always looking for new
subjects and new challenges.   

If you have any questions or would like permission to use any images used within, please let me know as most are
protected by copyright.

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